Get to the root of your digestive symptoms!
Looking for answers and a plan to address your annoying GI symptoms?
Do you want a plan that heals your gut rather than masking symptoms?
If you are like many women I’ve worked with, you’ve suffered with GI symptoms such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea for YEARS. You’ve been told you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and left the doctor’s office with no guidance other than maybe a recommendation to follow a Low FODMAP diet.
Are you sick of letting your symptoms take control of your life? Are you ready to address this once and for all?
If this sounds like you, here’s your sign to make a change. Let me help you heal your gut!
Wellness Focus
Rooted Foundations
6 Week Foundations Program
Do you have health concerns where you need a customized plan? Eager to learn what foods you are sensitive to that are driving inflammation and contributing to symptoms such as joint pain, brain fog and GI symptoms?
This program will support you through the elimination diet helping you identify food sensitivities and get on a low inflammatory diet that also will help stabilize your blood sugar levels.
This includes a detailed blood test to check nutritional markers and see if there are any imbalances in the body that need to be addressed such as thyroid, iron, liver, kidney and inflammation markers. A personalized supplement protocol will also be recommended based on your labs, medical history and symptoms to take the guess work out of what you should be taking and how much.
Digestive Focus
Gut Revive Method
4 Month Personalized Nutrition Program
Are you suffering with chronic stomach pain, gas, bloating and diarrhea and/or constipation and can’t seem to get a hold of what your food triggers are or what is even driving these symptoms to begin with?
This comprehensive program includes 3 different tests, a personalized nutrition and supplement protocol to help lower inflammation, decrease uncomfortable GI symptoms, identify imbalances in your microbiome and help get you on the road to healing your gut.
Hi there, I’m Vanessa!
I’m a functional medicine registered dietitian, gut health nutritionist, wife, and mama to 3 kiddos with a passion for helping women increase their energy and get to the root of their gut issues.
I personally know what it feels like to have chronic GI issues. There is a TON of information out there that it can be overwhelming about where to even start on your gut healing journey. If you are ready to get answers about what’s driving your gastrointestinal symptoms with testing and a personalized plan, then you are in the right place!
Ready to get started?
Step 1: Book a Free Discovery Call
Book a free call and complete the application form. During this call, we will review your goals further, decide which 1:1 program would be best to reach your goals, and see if we are a match to work together.
Step 2: Prepare For Our First Call
If we both think we are a match to work together, you will get an email with an invitation to create a profile on Practice Better (EMR) where you will then complete intake forms and have access to chat with me.
Step 3: Book Your First Call
Once intake forms are completed, we will book our first call together! You will also start documenting your meals to help me to get an idea of what you typically eat in a day.